Sunday, July 11, 2010

Help Remembering Story I read long ago?!?!?

It was titled "The Woman Who liked Shortcuts" or something close. It was about a woman who enjoyed to drive, and took different routes for fun. She would brag to her Boyfriend (Husband?) about the latest shortcut she had found. One day she said she had gone from some place to another , and he was curoius, and discovered the distance claimed was LESS than a straight line. Turns out she had found a shortcut to some "parallel world" She somehow dies, and he misses here terribly. Many years later he is sitting on his front porch when a powerful car pulls up in the darkness. And out steps a familiar face............................

Help Remembering Story I read long ago?!?!?
You might be thinking of "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut" by Stephen King. It was published in his short story collection Skeleton Crew.

it sounds interesting

but sorry i dunno

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