Friday, July 16, 2010

I had a dream I was fighting with terrorists and then my grandfather died?

i had a dream that i was having an armed exchange with communist terrorists. they were swarming around our house. i was aiming at them, my gun was loaded but no bullet comes out because i don't know how to use it. then i saw a familiar face, he was shot on the back. but no blood came out then he just disappeared. then i heard a news that my grandfather died, but in reality, he died about 5 years ago. when i looked at his coffin, it was not him.

what do u mean by my dream? please help me. additional info, my grandfather celebrated his birthday a day after i had that dream. i am also a former military cadet. (if these would help!)thanks a lot and looking forward to your answers.

I had a dream I was fighting with terrorists and then my grandfather died?
Don't be supersticious your dreams are just a reflection of your daily life worries and fears...anexiety....

sweet tooth

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