Tuesday, July 20, 2010

For those whom read To Kill A Mockingbird by Haper Lee and are still familiar with the book...?

please help me answer the questions form my take home test. I have finished all of them, but these questions, im not sure of. thanks for the help! i deeply appreciate it !

True or False:

1.)Jem and Scout both live in Maycomb, Texas.

2.) Bob Ewell died when, in a drunken stupor, he falls on his own kitchen knife.

3.) Mr. Gilmer showed little commpassion for tom robinson during the trial.

4.) Dill ran away because he thought his mom and stepfather were mean to him.

5.) Mr. Underwood was the sole owner and editor of the maycomb Tribune.

6.) Mayella Ewell was injured on the left side of her face.


1.) What is Atticus dangerous question?

2.) Who is Braxton Underwood

3.) How old is Mayella, Tom, and Atticus

4.) What is tom's real crime?

5.)Atticus dislikes practicing criminal law because his first clients were ______________

6.) What is Dill's full name?

7.) Why does reverend sykes lock the church doors before anyone can leave?

8.)Name 4 items in the knothol

For those whom read To Kill A Mockingbird by Haper Lee and are still familiar with the book...?
Sorry, I don't believe you when you say that you "finished them all except these". These questions are so basic, there is no way you could have answered others, and have only these left over!

I'm with the other people who say, read the book!!! It's one of the best American novels! Really, it's a wonderful book. If you really read it (and don't be put off by the fact that the first few pages are a bit dull) you'll find that it's a compelling story. And two of the greatest characters I've ever read - Scout and her father, Atticus!

BTW, reading the Cliff notes, is NOT reading the book, for crying out loud.

And yes, I DO know the answers to all the questions. I read it the first time when I was 11, and I'm now reading it with my 11 year old daughter.

The questions you've been asked, well, you would have to be able to answer most of them, even with a cursory reading of the book. Most of them are not hard!

Oh, and I should warn you, many of the answers you've gotten, both here and the first time you've answered the question, are not quite right. I'm sure the people who answered them remember it that way, and I might have said a few of the same things if I hadn't recently re-read it. But there are some very wrong answers posted.

READ it to find out which ones!
Reply:1) T

2) F

3) F

4) F

5) T

6) F

1) ?

2) Editor of the Maycomb Tribune

3) 19, about 30, about 50

4) Being black

5) ?

6) Charles Baker Hariss

7) So nobody will leave before raising 10 dollars for the church

8) soap dolls, broken clock, gum, ball of yarn
Reply:You didn't read it if you only read cliff notes that's not ready you dummy that's scanning. Get your edummmication you dummy.
Reply:1. F

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. f?

6. T

8) soap figures, watch of gold, stick of gum and idk
Reply:The book is an excellent read. If you're pressed for time, though, read the Cliff's Notes on it. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/LitN...

Way too many questions. Try this web site first. Go to the character analysis and see what you can find.

1 ‘Do you really think so?’. . . was Atticus’s dangerous question”

2. Braxton Bragg Underwood: sole owner, editor, and printer of The Maycomb Tribune.

3, Tom was 25, Mayella 19, Atticus middle ages?

4. Being black

Sorry, come on and try to be gracious. I was trying to help you\!
Reply:use sparknotes.
Reply:*True or False*

1. False- they live in Maycomb, Alabama.

2. ummm... Boo Radley, rescues Scout and her brother. In order to protect Boo's privacy, the sheriff decides that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife while he was struggling with Jem. Boo Radley returns home never to be seen again. (so i dont know if that is just what they decided or if its actually how he died?...)

3. he showed NO compassion...so i guess that would be true? but i didnt think he even showed a little bit...

4. i think its true - he ran away because they didnt pay attention to him...

5. True

6. False - it was her right side


1. “‘Do you really think so?’. . . was Atticus’s dangerous question” because he delighted in helping people see a situation in a new light.

2. Mr. Braxton Bragg Underwood-The owner, editor, and printer of The Maycomb Tribune. Although he openly dislikes blacks, he defends Tom’s right to a fair trial.

3. Mayella is 19;


5. Hanged

6. Charles Baker "Dill" Harris

7. He locks the congregation in the hot church until enough money is raised for Tom Robinson's family.

8. chewing gum, two pennies, a ball of twine, soap carvings of themselves, a pocket watch that doesnt work.
Reply:just go on sparknotes if you don't want to read it, idiot.
Reply:It is a great story. Read it!
Reply:check this site i hope it helps

www.sparknotes.net and if not .net than .com try one of them

dental dam

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