Friday, July 16, 2010

Please help me, i have treid everything. I have just joined azureus and i only get yellow faces?

I have tried everythin, port forwarding, firerwall says i have a nat problem. i am not familiar with all this computer stuff all i wanted to do was download a movie. i am on yahoo instant meesenger if someone can im me and walk me through the steps to fix this i would appreciat it. my id is patricia_hyland72

Please help me, i have treid everything. I have just joined azureus and i only get yellow faces?
If you're going to be forwarding ports you need to use a static IP address. If you do not use most bit torrent programs from a static IP address, you'll get those cute yellow smiley faces instead of the better looking green ones. =) You can get more information on how to change to a static IP address at Change your IP address from a DHCP to Static, then make sure, if you have more than one pc on your network, that you assign it a static IP address out of the DHCP range to avoid any conflicts. You can read more abou tit here.

Keep in mind that once you assign a static IP address to your host PC, any other pc's in your network will also need to be setup with a static IP address unless you intend to change your address back to DHCP after downloading your movie (porn). LOL j/k =)

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