Friday, July 16, 2010

Can you tell when someone is pretending to be nice and friendly just to be popular?

I know virtually most everyone at work (which is over 100 people). I work in an electronic retail.

Some of the people that were friendly with me now distances themselves from me which made me ask this question.

I'm nice to most of the people at work not because I have any interest in them, it's just a polite thing to do. I'm very polite. Passing a familiar face without nodding or saying hello is just rude.

I guess the people who distance themselves from me must think that I'm a phony.

How can I be polite and non-fake at the same time then?

Can you tell when someone is pretending to be nice and friendly just to be popular?
I think they act a little more snarky. But I sometimes do that to. Not really to be popular, but so that I don't start something. I just don't say anything bad and hopefully the other person won't either.

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