Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So you think you can pick a song from a few words or lines, huh?

Okidoki then. Name these songs and artists.

1. Make a list of things you need

Leave it empty

Except for number one

Write, love.

2. Now I'm here for you

And the day will break so you don't have to.

3. Off through the new days mist I run

Out from the new days mist I have come.

4. Like a polystyrene hat

That melts in the sun

5. I seem to recognise your face

Haunting, familiar yet

I can't seem to place it

Go on! Have a go! You can do it!

So you think you can pick a song from a few words or lines, huh?
1- gamble everything for love- ben lee

2- tonight, amiel

3-of wolf and man- metallica

4- without you- silverchair

5- elderly woman... pearl jammy.
Reply:Sorry have no idea
Reply:5) Small town by Pearl Jam

4) Without you by Silverchair

3) Of wolf %26amp; man by Metallica

well i knw only these!
Reply:5. Pearl Jam

Elderly woman behind the counter in a small town

Great Song
Reply:This is a coded message be warned I am on to you
Reply:I know #3 is Of Wolf And Man by Metallica...
Reply:I have no idea!

idea! idea!

nope !

wrong again!

this is stressful!

why is it so stressful?

there're to many songs that i don't know !



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