Thursday, August 19, 2010

Was he someone I knew in his "past"?

I had just gotten out of surgery and my mother was wheeling me out to the nurse's quarters. A baby boy, probably about a year old, looked at me and smiled in excitement. He started "talking" to me and the expression on his face looked so familiar...then my mom came back from the office and started bringing me to our room and the baby started screaming, "no! no!" and he was crying so hard.

This was a few years ago and it's been in my mind. I lost a lot of friends, including my boyfriend and best friend and I was wondering if it was either of them reincarnated.

Was he someone I knew in his "past"?
I'm going to go with possibly. However, unless you got his name I don't see how you can ever provide evidence for this. If he starts talking to his family about the girl he knew before and knows all the information about you then you would have something unusual at least.

However, the good news is that according to some beliefs people reincarnate into the same group of people so if it was one of them that baby will grow up to see you again in some relationship with you (for example you being his teacher, boss, business partner, etc.)

Of course please don't dismiss the idea that your just a kind person that children can instantly feel and just want to be around you.

I have listed some sources on reincarnation below if your interested.
Reply:I do believe in reincarnation but am doubtful in this case that it was your boyfriend or friend. It is too soon. Its quite possible that he recognized you from a previous time, children have fresh memories from the other side. Also from what I was told they can see auras and can be attracted by yours. I went through a similar situation where it seemed all the baby's reacted to me that way it spooked me. When I consulted someone this is what I was told. In your case .Since it was one isolated incident I would say he knew you at one time and recognized you. ----This is just an opinion based on what I believe in. I'm just offering you another way to look upon this incident.
Reply:Babies cry all the time.Half the time you don't know why.Same with laughter and smiling.They smile at me all the time.On a line, passing in a car, just about anywhere I see them.They just like me,and I'll bet they like you too!
Reply:maybe,, but thats alittle impossible
Reply:no, babies that young will talk to whoever will listen. He doesnt know you. Plus, if he was having fun interacting with you, he would have screamed and fussed about being taken away from his activity. It means nothing. Its just the way babies are.

edit: I just thought it was kind of funny that I got two thumbs down for giving a reasonable and actually the correct answer and someone gave Leana a thumbs up for giving an absolutly absurd and rediculous answer...........hahaha, if your smart you will realize that her answer is absolute rubbish. Something tells me from your question, however, that your going to believe her and end up paying her a lot of money to fill your head with her lies.
Reply:babies cry all the time when they see me

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