Be a lert , the world needs more lerts.
Go ahead and honk , I'm reloading.
If you don't like the way I drive , get off the sidewalk!.
So many pedestrians , so little time.
This car will explode on impact.
Traffic wardens eat their young.
Today is the day for decisive action. Or is it?.
Give blood .. play hockey.
10,000 sperm , and you were the fastest ?
Welcome to Utah , set your watch back 20 years.
Pigs may fly-this one drives.
Eat a prune and start a movement.
My face is familiar , but I can't quite remember my name.
Ask not what you can for me , just do it !.
Go ahead and hit me , I need the money.
Preserve nature , pickle a squirrel.
Prevent interbreeding , ban country music.
There's no future in time travel , so slow down.
My other wife is beautiful.
Sshhhh , the driver is sleeping.
Feel safe tonight , sleep with a cop.
It's not pretty being easy.
Sky diving , good to the last drop.
I don't suffer from insanity , I enjoy every minute of it.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Too close for missles , switching to guns.
Heck was created for those who refuse to believe in Damn.
More Bumper Stickers?
still laughing .............. ll thanks
Reply:Measure twice, cut once!
Reply:wow.....thanks! A star for you...
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