Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friend or Foe? Definitely Foe and Fake! Need Advice!!?

I'm in college and I have this friend that i've had since Freshman year '04. She has been showing me that she's more of a FOE than a FRIEND. She has insulted me numerous times talkin about me or my friends/boyfriend. Once we were entering a swimsuit contest and she asked if i was pregnant before we went out just because i have a little tummy. And she's very slim. Seems like since sophomore year she'll find someone else to hang with until she gets bored with them. Then she comes around again. She has done this more than once. She tries to turn everyone against me like now. I live in a suite and people are trying me. One of her favorite movies is Mean girls. AND We're roommates so i'm trapped-She picked me! I'm the type of person that wants to get along with everyone. I like time to myself. I'm a little shy at times, don't like big crowds or Confrontation. I'm a familiar/popualr face on campus. I'm spoiled but don't show it and i'm a curvey/attractive girl that comes from a good home

Friend or Foe? Definitely Foe and Fake! Need Advice!!?
Your Foe/Friend must be very insecure. She hurts you to feel better about herself. Since you have to live with her, tell her when she hurts your feelings. Let her know that what she says/does upsets you. If she keeps behaving in the same manner, you may need to seek the help of your counselor or such. Go through the correct procedures, and then request to be moved. You have a right to live in a positive environment. Good Luck.
Reply:dangggggg that girls mean
Reply:all i needed to read was the 1st sentence that girl isn't a freind or for THAT GIRL IS AN ENEMYYYYYY
Reply:Ditch her,she sounds like to much trouble,if you have to wounder if someone is a good friend that usually means its time to move on and end it before it gets worse and that's all it sounds like it going to get with this girl!
Reply:FOE... look she's just a jealous Witch. instead of her improving herself she uses words or hate to make you feel as bad as she feels on the inside. i know its easier said than done, but don't let her get to you. i notice that you didn't mention her having a boyfriend that means she's jealous of the fact that you have someone who actually likes you for you, not because of who you pretend to be. i'm the same way you are. but she's jealous of what you possess on the inside as well as the outside and that is being a good person. she probably starves herself and is mad cuz you actually don't have to.
Reply:deffinatelly not a friend.. she's trying to make you feel less than you are. loose her someway!
Reply:She is not definately your friend! You should try to get another roommate and avoid her altogether. People that makes you feel less, are just full of insecurities and being rude and obnoxious is the only way they can make themselves feel better. Drop her before this causes your selfesteem to go down the drain.

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